January 20, 2025

The Trend Pear

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Types Of Intermittent Fasting!

The intermittent restriction is another word for fasting, intermittent fasting has types that include every other day fasting/substitute and recurring fasting. This may be new to many people and if you are one of them and in need of fasting for beginners, then you are at the right place.

Substitute Fasting

  • Intermittent fasting is a substitute fasting approach, the principle here is that you fast every other day which is alternative days.
  • By this, you can cut down your diet plan and can eat in half time and also can have control on your food timings.
  • While fasting you are permitted to eat calorie-free food and drink sugar-free beverages.
  • As the fasting period is continuing you can either eat very little or eat nothing, the approved method in this fasting is that the person who is going through will be fasting for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours.
  • High-calorie food intake should be avoided.

Recurring Fasting

  • Intermittent fasting in which the testing period shouldn’t last longer than a normal overnight which is passed in 12 hours.
  • The final meal for the day should be taken before 7 pm.
  • Eating at dusk should be avoided and any snack cravings at that time should be controlled.

Intermittent Fasting For Beginners

  • Before starting intermittent fasting identify these things if you are a beginner,
  • Pick the right method which is suitable for your body
  • Prepare a diet chart and the number of calories that you will need

Figure Out A Meal Plan And Calorie Count

These are the steps that you need to consider before starting intermittent fasting. It is said that it takes about 3 to 24 weeks to reduce weight with the help of intermittent fasting. But when combined with exercises and a few stretches, intermittent fasting can give very efficient and quick results within no time. 

Any diet plan needs foot control. Even intermittent fasting needs food control and restriction. For beginners, high fiber foods such as nuts, beans, fruits, and vegetables are good for health. And other high-protein foods like meat, fish, Tofu are also options. According to researchers, it is clear that it takes about 4 Weeks For a human body to get used to intermittent fasting. After 4 weeks of the period, the body slowly gets accustomed to intermittent fasting and then the body might feel hungry. 

The interesting fact about intermittent fasting and alternate-day fasting is that people experience a 47% decrease in abdominal fat within 6 to 24 weeks. 

Fitness And Exercise Plans While Intermittent Fasting

A few diet plans do not include enough exercise but in intermittent fasting, it is OK to work out after fasting. A few stretches and small exercises can be done to get quick results. But one should avoid lifting after fasting. Cardio is also a fine exercise that may help in burning additional fat.