September 4, 2024

The Trend Pear

Juicy News and Trends in Fashion and Lifestyle

Lose Weight – Quickly and Be Healthy With This Diet

Imagine a diet that gives you a wide variety of foods, allows for treats and that will help you live longer, be healthier and happier.

Well, if you want to lose weight and enjoy your food this is the perfect diet.

Let’s take a look at it.

It’s the Japanese diet, but can be enjoyed by anyone.

Japan’s population has the lowest level of obesity in the industrialized world and the population tends to live to a ripe old age.

The Japanese diet is easy to do.

Dieting should not be a chore. The Japanese diet is natural, balanced and a sensible way to eat that makes eating fun as it should be.

The Japanese diet is low in cholesterol, fat, and calories and high in fiber and here are the reasons it works.

1. Rice

Brown rice is rich in carbohydrates and proteins and it is the basis of the Japanese diet. Rice makes anyone eating it stay full for longer and being a good carbohydrate it keeps energy levels constant throughout the day.

Brown rice is eaten daily by the Japanese and is a fantastic base for the diet.

2. Fish

The Japanese eat up to 80 kegs of fish per year.

That’s four times as much as the average for the rest of the world and the bias toward fish is very similar to the Mediterranean diet another of the world’s best.

  1. Eating fish (particularly oily fish) such as mackerel, sardines and salmon, lowers the risk of disease and increases overall health and provides the good fats our body needs, to function to function at optimum efficiency.